zondag 27 april 2008

What not to do in your first management job

What not to do in your first management position. When people get promoted that is a great thing, but there are pitfalls. Al lot of people do not know how to spot those pitfalls and fall right into them. This article gives tips on what not to do and what to watch out for. What not to do: overreach yourself; think that management means more of the same; try to stay everyone’s best pal; be arrogant; be afraid to stretch your people and assume that your team members think like you. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/career_and_jobs/article3801022.ece


I thought that this was a very interesting article, especially because I would like to be in a management position. It’s especially interesting to see, what those people did wrong, because real life examples are being used. However, I think that it doesn’t necessarily mean, that if you follow all these tips you are going to be a super manager. Of course they could help you, if you keep them in the back of your head, but I also think that you have to be suited for the job and find your own method of how to run things. But this article will help you avoid the most fall pits.